Paper submission & REVIEWING PROCESS
We invite submissions of original research on all aspects of Knowledge Data Management, including listed topics. Submissions must not be published or submitted to a journal and/or conference/workshop with proceedings. Each submission should be at most 6 pages with the IEEE Format.
Submissions are to be made to the submission Submission website
Only PDF files are accepted. Submissions not meeting the above guidelines will be rejected without other consideration. By submitting a paper to ICKDM’2023, the authors agree to the review process and understand that papers undergo a peer-review process. Manuscripts will be reviewed by appropriately qualified experts in the field selected by the Conference Committee, who will give detailed comments and — if the submission gets accepted — the authors submit a revised ("camera-ready") version that takes into account this feedback.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance.
The camera-ready version of accepted papers will have to follow the IEEE guidelines.
Papers presented in the ICKDM’2023 conference will be recommended to indexed international journals.